Film Evangelism Training"Those trained... put their training to use and help new converts to get absorbed in Bible honoring and Bible believing churches and assemblies".Share your faith Film Evangelism seminars that trained born-again Christians in Visual Media Evangelism is a major ingredient. Those trained and equipped in this manner organize film premieres, film crusades and festivals to put their training to use and help new converts to get absorbed in Bible honoring and Bible believing churches and assemblies.Carefully selected spiritually qualified neo-literate Christians are given a prescribed a training course of a week to reach non-literate people in the villages, tribal belts, urban slums and other areas of the Country through cassettes, Film, video and TV programs. Those respond to the call of Christ are groomed to become disciples and to be drawn to the body of Christ. |
Film Evangelism Training
Training field evangelists and leaders of mission agencies, churches and assemblies and Christian institutions through Seminars, workshops and conferences to use films, videos and TV programs to lead people to Christ assumes great importance. more>>Drama Workshop
Galilean Institute of Communications is seized of the need to train Christians in the art and skills of Drama employed in worship, Bible Study and group activities. Outreach and evangelism are enriched by drama presentations to communicate “God's Word”.more>>Writer's Workshop
Skills in writing and publishing assume unprecedented importance with the advent of the information age we live in. The Internet has emerged as an amazing tool and has been opening flood gates of opportunities to amateur and professional writers. more>>
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