M/E Newsletter
January 2012 |
Dear Outreacher, We are so blessed— for we realize, as we are coming into 2012 AD, that our CDP GLOBAL NETWORK is truly, self-running--like a great inertial flywheel that needs little to no added input. It just keeps going and multiplying! If that seems a bit too strong a comparison, realize that the Nationals are dedicated and indeed are autonomously “doing it”. Yes, we see that The CDP GLOBAL NETWORK does and will continue (like the inertial wheel) to reach out to the Lost even under the most drastic, or even cataclysmic local or global calamities. WOW! What a marvelous and self-perpetuating process our Lord has designed and provided through his dedicated ones at all levels of the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK!!! We hope that those of you that have so faithfully stood with us to see the CDP process mature to its present (and growing) status through this last decade or so will realize how important your part has been. You all have helped to bring it to where the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK is reportedly reaching out regularly to well over 350 million precious villagers. As you know, these were ignored and forgotten! But, now multiplied millions are coming to Jesus every year! A case in point is the CDP-NIGERIA group under Evangelist Paul Mba, which grew from 20 VEs in 2006 AD to 12,500 active VEs, and another 5,000 Candidate VEs in training, by mid-2011 AD. Yes, their total of 17,500 VEs now is fairly close to the 20,000 that they were aiming at per the four-to-one growth per year criteria! PTL Indeed! This type of growth has also been reported in CDP-GHANA and CDP-KENYA! Yes, they are “doing it”-- AND, it is wonderful to behold! Another feature of this amazing GLOBAL NETWORK shows that this remarkable inertia effect is real. Even if the whole world loses electrical and gasoline resources, and need to survive by “grubbing” for food, our VEs don’t have major walls to come down and are already surviving by grubbing and so are able to keep right on reaching out to an ever more alert and needy populace! CDP-CHINA continues to be a problem for us. We have lost contact with them starting back about two years ago. We can hope that they are still operating and multiplying. They could easily have grown from the 7,500 VEs that were reported mid-2009 AD to 120,000 VEs now. So, although we continue to seek to establish contact with the existing group, until we know for sure, we feel constrained to get a new network started there! Please pray as our co-worker, Mr. Andy Liu, will early in 2012 AD travel to China again and hopefully locate the original group. Alternately, we trust he will be able to find God’s dedicated man/woman for that important leadership role! At any rate, we are sending fifteen or so Audio Players with MANDARIN language and another five with TIBETAN language with our envoy on this trip. Hopefully he can place these to be part of the existing or new CDP-CHINA activities! PRAY! (How are you able to come up with a specific figure if you have lost contact?) Yes, PRAY!!! A heart felt appeal is resonating with us as our CDP-KENYA Director, Evangelist Joel Atuti, is now faced with another vicious attack from Satan typically Satan badgers with several thrusts attempting to marginalize or destroy in anyway possible. JOEL HAS BEEN BEATEN, CAPTURED BY REBELS IN SUDAN, AND NOW HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE DAUGHTER Grace IS PLAGUED WITH A HOLE IN HER HEART THAT NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION!  We have prayed and trust the Lord will meet their needs with a miracle or with medical attention. The prognosis and estimated costs for treatment and hospitalization in London, together with travel costs is right at $15,000.00. Perhaps the Lord will put little Grace’s situation on your heart. We feel for them in this situation and desire to help even as we pray! Our Responsibility – indeed, our opportunity · Seeing that the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK is growing under its own “steam”, so to speak, we are constrained to do all we can to help all the VEs to be as effective as possible! · Ideally, from our understanding, we would like to see all VEs have Bicycles and Audio Players. This would allow them to be most effective. Of course, our Father-God knows their need—he will supply! · Bicycles cost $100.00 and provide over 10 times the Outreach potential! · Audio Players significantly solve the extensive literacy problem, allowing local villager’s heart languages to be used! Typically each Audio Player costs about $50.00 each. · Right now we could place Bicycles and Audio Players with 35,000 VEs. Another 10 000 Audio Players with sermons in heart languages would significantly help the growing number of lay pastors that are also being trained. · It is highly desirable to get all of this equipment to the VEs and Lay Pastors as soon as possible before any man-made or God-ordained situations occur! PTL for His leading us (you and me) to meet their needs in a timely manner. Remember –PRAY for all in the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK – 6:00 p.m. daily!
What We Believe 1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God. 2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in his sinless life, in His miracles, in his vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. 4. We believe that for the salvation of lost sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. 5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. 6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. 7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. 8. We believe that the church comprises all true believers and that the mission of the church, with Christ as its head, is to communicate the Gospel of Christ to all the world. ================================
The Board of Directors of M/E International, Inc. James R. Ford, President Wayne D. Walton, Vice President
Lyle Majeska, V.P.-Media Dr. James Butare, V.P. - Outreach Troy Majeska, V.P. – Audio Eng. Cory Raynham, Director; Steven J. Ford, Director; Gene Daniels, Director; Rev. Dave Kolb, Director, Daniel Butare, Director
============================================ DONATE --- On-Line: WEBSITE: www.me-intl.org J. R. Jim Ford, President M/E International, Inc. . 655 Shadow Lake Drive . Brea, California . 92821 714/624-3547 e-mail: cdp767usa@aol.com M/E Newsletter
December 2011 Dear Outreacher, We just had an important and blessed Report Dinner. It featured Pastor Prince Paul Konu of our CDP-Ghana group–a most dynamic part of our growing CDP GLOBAL NETWORK. Our brother Paul still heads up our Poster Board group, always showing the way it should be done—a great mentor to many other groups! New Corporate Divisions Along with Paul’s update on their powerful activities in Ghana, we took this occasion to introduce our new Division! Now, as our GLOBAL NETWORK is maturing, we see that the ‘explosive’ evangelism and discipleship activates are just naturally growing home and community churches. So, also there has been a growing need for effective tutoring for the young and inexperienced lay pastors. The Cornerstone Ministry International (CMI) which has in itself been maturing over the last decade, growing from a basic vocational activity, now culminated in a well-honed set of training modules, ready to meet the burgeoning growth needs of the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK Division. These modules are designed to help key national lay pastors to better meet their pastoral needs. They also provide health and welfare training as well as many “how to do” areas such as preparation of sermons and generally study the Word of God more effectively. The modules are located on our WEBSITE: me-intl.org as a continuing part of the base for translation into the needed heart languages--just as they have already done for the ‘cassette messages’ and related old and new testament Bible portions they have been using over the last decade or so. New Definitions for Corporate and Network Names Together with the new division we have taken this opportunity to re-define some of our terminology to better align with our on-going activities: M/E International will now stand for: - Mobilizing/Empowered Internationals; CDP will now stand for: - Christ-centered Discipleship Programs These definitions better explain our plans and purposes, whereas before, the missionary and electronic connotations, together with the no longer used cassette media, left many baffled as to what we were really about, Providing Bicycles to Village Evangelists (VEs) as soon as funds available You perhaps remember that we had noted, from the early days in CDP-Ghana, that a VE with a Bicycle had approximately twelve times the outreach. This was largely due to the VEs ability to cover his big area (ten villages and some 10,000 villagers) much faster. This huge increase in ability has forced us to place major emphasis on the availability of bicycles for all possible VEs as soon as possible. Since we don’t know how long we will be able to help enable their equipment needs, we want to expedite this need just as soon as possible! We have rejoiced as various Outreachers of you have seriously taken this to heart and have been increasingly providing designated amounts for Bicycles that we can place to maximize the reaching of those otherwise ignored and forgotten. Yes, one such donation has allowed us to place 200 Bicycles, each one of which will materially help a VE to reach out to his 10,000 villagers, giving them an opportunity to hear that Jesus died for them, bringing perhaps 40% of them to understand, believe and receive our Lord! Yes, those 200 Bicycles may expedite over 700,000 precious villagers to come to Jesus! I know, these numbers are baffling, but are based upon what actually was reported in our CDP-Ghana operation over the early years. Remember too, the Lord of the Harvest has said, now is the time, the harvest is white unto harvest! The cost of Bicycles and availability Bicycles are generally available in most developing countries—they are a primary source of travel there. Our national leaders are able to purchase them there as well as have them repaired as necessary, not to mention covered by warrantee. The cost per bicycle is right at $100.00 each, but in quantity they can generally negotiate even a better price. Note that we could now place up to 30,000 bicycles and this could go to about 150,000 in the next three or four years if the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK continues to grow as it has the last several years! How many can you send? 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000????? ----- What a legacy you can establish, and what a great WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!!
REMEMBER TO PRAY - EVERY DAY AT 6 PM - FOR ALL NATIONAL LEADERS. SUPERVISORS AND VILLAGE EVANGELISTS!! ============================= What We Believe 1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God. 2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in his sinless life, in His miracles, in his vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. 4. We believe that for the salvation of lost sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. 5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. 6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. 7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. 8. We believe that the church comprises all true believers and that the mission of the church, with Christ as its head, is to communicate the Gospel of Christ to all the world. ================================
The Board of Directors of M/E International, Inc. James R. Ford, President Wayne D. Walton, Vice President
Lyle Majeska, V.P.-Media Dr. James Butare, V.P. - Outreach Troy Majeska, V.P. – Audio Eng. Cory Raynham, Director; Steven J. Ford, Director; Gene Daniels, Director; Rev. Dave Kolb, Director
============================================ DONATE --- On-Line: WEBSITE: www.me-intl.org J. R. Jim Ford, President M/E International, Inc. . 655 Shadow Lake Drive . Brea, California . 92821 714/624-3547 e-mail: cdp767usa@aol.com |
M/E Newsletter
November 2011 Dear Outreacher, REMINDER: REPORT DINNER NOV. 9th at the Sizzler Restaurant on North Harbor in Fullerton, CA. We have been both blessed and challenged this past month as we have seen updated reports that demonstrate wonderfully the dedication and commitment of our National Leaders. Indeed, their commitment is both to the blessed task that our/their Father-God has placed on their hearts to faithfully reach their otherwise ignored and forgotten ones! We now have over 35,000 VEs reported as ministering with another 12,000 Candidate VEs in training! PTL indeed! REPORT DINNER: We encourage YOU to bring friends and family members to our REPORT DINNER—meeting at the Sizzler Restaurant in Fullerton, California—Wednesday November 9th 2011—featuring our CDP-Ghana Coordinator Pastor Prince Paul Konu. He will share some great activities and challenges pointing to finishing well and strong soon. We will also share with you about our new TRAINING division called CMI: Cornerstone Ministries International. It will provide comprehensive help to National leadership. It will also provide effective tools for dynamic church planting and for training activities for pastors and supervisors. This added educational capability is structured in growth modules soon to be available via our updated WEBSITE: me-intl.org. Primarily for pastors and dedicated evangelists use. More on this training capability soon. CDP-Uganda and related Cinema Outreach are both developing and becoming known in the area—the films provide a special interest-catching capability to confirm and strengthen bonds for both the local viewing public and the nearby villages. Schools and churches are also becoming sources for added viewing of available Christian and pre-evangelistic films. Evangelist Bright Arinaitwe now has spent just five months in this process and now sees that the Cinema activities can soon provide the funding to allow him to properly direct the volunteer CDP-Uganda activities! Pray for Bright as he also directs the growth of the CDP-Uganda CDP GLOBAL NETWORK. CDP GLOBAL NETWORK equipment Needs: We understandably have some disappointment noted from VEs that feel we have not followed up with providing audio players and bicycles as we “promised”. Actually, we always tell them “as the Lord provides” funding we will get the equipment to them. But when one is in the midst of the battle, as they are, it must certainly feel like we have indeed let them down! Would that we could be able to provide all the equipment that they want—however, we just must believe that our Father-God knows and provides what they need! To provide all 35,000 with players and bike right now would cost right at $5-Million. WOW! What a great legacy someone could establish (and what a “WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT.” to be enjoyed for eternity). This could be an end of year contribution. It will facilitate outreach to over 350 Million precious souls! Indeed WOW! Remember too, we and they are all Volunteers – only need funds for equipment and some programmatic overhead from time to time. Typically this requires $150.00 per VE, once only! – right now, less that 5% of the VEs have a player and less than 3% have bicycles. Yet, all 35,000 VEs are going out to their peers just as Jesus sent out His disciples in the Spirit to minister to the lost—and, they are reaching millions of precious souls! Praise The Lord! Report from Pastor Prince Paul Konu of CDP-Ghana Dear brother Jim: Glad for the great work you are doing there. God bless you all—here is a summary of information you asked us for: 1. Ewe tribe we have: 1100 VEs 2. Twi tribe: 720 VEs 3. FraFra tribe: 892 VEs 4. Total number of VEs in training 1209 VEs, 5. Total number Audio players in field 150. 6. Total number of bikes in service 120. 7. Total number of bikes needed now is 900.
8. Total of churches planted 41. 9. Total planted this year 11 churches. 10. Total number of profession this year 8,211. 11. Total baptism this year 2351. 12. Total number of bibles on mission field 800. 13. Total number of bibles needed now 1300. 14. Total number of churches needing roofs 21. |
We need your continued prayer. Pastor Prince Paul Konu ====================================== Funding needed for: Bicycles:- cost $100.00 each. Bibles:- cost $8.00 each. Roofs:- $600.00 each. =========================================== Late Corporate News Our Director and V.P. of Outreach, Dr. James Butare, has returned to his Wycliffe Translator headquarters in Australia, completing about ten years of ‘seconded’ activity with the USCWM as Professor of Linguistics at their William Carey University. He will remain on our Board of Directors and in contact via major Internet/SKYP capabilities for coordinating his activities with/for our new CMI Division. He will also be coordinating related verification and training ‘conferences’ especially in the various African nations. Interestingly, James’s son Daniel has been very well groomed to be our new M/E International office Manager there at USCWM, even while he was getting his BA degree from UC Riverside in Political Science. As our newest Board member, and office manager, he will be providing essentially a seamless liaison capability for us into and with the various USCWM groups and services. Please pray for both James and Daniel in their new assignments for the Glory of our Father-God. Daniel brings a seasoned understanding of the CDP GLOBAL NETWORK and the new CMI Division and already knows most of the leaders and contact persons in and around the USCWM family of outreach! We are excited to welcome Daniel into our M/E International family! REMEMBER TO PRAY - EVERY DAY AT 6 PM - FOR ALL NATIONAL LEADERS. SUPERVISORS AND VILLAGE EVANGELISTS!! ============================= What We Believe 1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God. 2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in his sinless life, in His miracles, in his vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. 4. We believe that for the salvation of lost sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. 5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. 6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. 7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. 8. We believe that the church comprises all true believers and that the mission of the church, with Christ as its head, is to communicate the Gospel of Christ to all the world. ================================
The Board of Directors of M/E International, Inc. James R. Ford, President Wayne D. Walton, Vice President
Lyle Majeska, V.P.-Media Dr. James Butare, V.P. - Outreach Troy Majeska, V.P. – Audio Eng. Cory Raynham, Director; Steven J. Ford, Director; Gene Daniels, Director; Rev. Dave Kolb, Director
============================================ DONATE --- On-Line: WEBSITE: www.me-intl.org
J. R. Jim Ford, President
M/E International, Inc. . 655 Shadow Lake Drive . Brea, California . 92821 714/624-3547 e-mail: cdp767usa@aol.com
M/E Newsletter
October 2011 |
Dear Outreacher, REMINDER: REPORT DINNER NOV. 9th We have seen many things happening out in the Nations. Yes, our CDP GLOBAL NETWORK is reaching out to those that otherwise are ignored and forgotten! We are so blessed to see the National Leadership so dedicated and committed to our Lord! This gives us real confidence that the outreach will continue unabated even if we are no longer able to help them! You see, God has set this process in motion which EMPOWERS the National leadership to be fully autonomous! They are doing it now and will continue even in the face of dire or even cataclysmic worldwide problems! Please remember our REPORT DINNER, to be at 6:30 PM, Wednesday, November 9th at the Sizzler Restaurant on North Harbor in Fullerton, CA. Pastor Prince Paul Konu of CDP-Ghana will be our main speaker. We thought that his #2 Man, Michael Nynko, would be with him but Michael was not able to get a visa. Pastor Paul has very wisely been training Michael to succeed him if/when necessary. Paul reports being back to almost normal after his beating by Muslim activists some weeks ago. Remember all our Global Networkers in prayer—they are indeed out there on the front lines In this battle for souls. YES, PRAY!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Evangelist Bright Arinaitwe, of CDP-Uganda, with his related Video capabilities, has developed a basic Cinema Theater operation. This now allows him to play available Christian Movies in many city and village locations. He is also a talented videographer and is able to develop new local interest movies for future evangelistic and discipleship activities. Pray for our brother Bright as he seeks to also minister to his local ‘neighbors’ in the city-even as he Is coordinating our CDP-Uganda activities. Pray for Bright daily as you remember also to pray at 6:00 PM each night for all our National leaders, Supervisors, and many thousands of Village Evangelists (VEs). Praying is an activity that no one can take from us—be sure to PRAY!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Evangelist Joel Atuti of CDP-Kenya has reported that he too is back to near normal after being beating by Muslim activists last month. He has a residual hospital bill of about $1,200.00 that we would like to take care of for him. Perhaps you feel that you would like to help him meet that continuing pressure from the hospital! I’m sure the Lord will bless you in a special way! Evangelist .Joel Atuti of CDP-Kenya wrote: My Dear Brother Jim Ford. I greet you in the name of the Lord. .You are not only a brother to us in Kenya but you are also like our Dad. .You have stood with us as a family (me and my wife) and as CDP family. May the Lord see you through in many ways. Sometimes we have not even had food to eat and other need but God has always used you to be on our side. Please dads do not be tired of standing with us when we are tired. The Lord will surely reward you. About the Masai trip. i will tell you it was such a blessing to us as CDP. Many souls came to the Lord and stopped their bad traditions and culture. They used to drink raw blood of animals like cows and goats. They believe that when you drink the blood you become fearless and killing a lion with bear hands is not a big deal. Many in the process have lost lives. When we introduced the CDP program in their own tribes they noted that it is useless to serve dead gods and traditions. We are looking forward to baptize those that came to the lord. Before we do so we have to give them some training. I will send pictures of their baptism. Those that have come to the Lord in the Masai tribe are 120 and still some are thinking of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to reach more than 7000 Masais before the end of this year. WE shall be grateful to have some bikes about 10. To my own woes, the Lord is doing something new every day. Together with friends we have managed to raise $500 for my hospital bill that is still pending. I have received this help from people who are living below $1 a day. It has been a struggle but all in all the Lord is on our side. Joel. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEED FOR BICYCLES AND PLAYERS here less than about 2% of our VEs have access to bicycles. Yet, remember that a VE with a bike is almost twelve time as effective because he can reach all his assigned villages and villagers so much easier. A $100.00 bicycle opens the door for souls that cannot be reached otherwise! Yes, opens the door for added thousands of VEs to be reached! Now we could easily place 20,000 bicycles. Looking to the future expectantly we project a future and timely need for another 100,000 bicycles in the next decade as the Lord tarries! Even as Evangelist Joel noted above, they need bicycles! Actually that is quite universal amongst our CDP GLOBAL NETWORK, Remember that Audio Players are needed primarily for the teaching by rote ministry and for all the churches CDP establishes which can easily be five or more per VE! II Timothy 2:2 -- Our Modes Operandi And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. ================================= REMEMBER TO PRAY - EVERY DAY AT 6 PM - FOR ALL NATIONAL LEADERS. SUPERVISORS AND VILLAGE EVANGELISTS!! ============================= What We Believe 1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God. 2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in his sinless life, in His miracles, in his vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. 4. We believe that for the salvation of lost sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. 5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. 6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. 7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. 8. We believe that the church comprises all true believers and that the mission of the church, with Christ as its head, is to communicate the Gospel of Christ to all the world. ================================
The Board of Directors of M/E International, Inc. James R. Ford, President Wayne D. Walton, Vice President
Lyle Majeska, V.P.-Media Dr. James Butare, V.P. - Outreach Troy Majeska, V.P. – Audio Eng. Cory Raynham, Director; Steven J. Ford, Director; Gene Daniels, Director; Rev. Dave Kolb, Director
============================================ DONATE --- On-Line: WEBSITE: www.me-intl.org