Become a Key Bearer and Share a Little Christmas
By Ron Kopczick | December 1, 2011
December has arrived and the countdown to Christmas has begun in earnest. Although stress is often associated with the season, rejoice if you’re able to celebrate the holidays as a free member of U.S. society. Because there are hundreds of thousands who can’t. They are America’s incarcerated.
Incredibly, you have an opportunity to share a bit of Christmas with these men and women who are serving time. Through the Key Bearers ministry you can extend the love of the Savior to more of those who really could use some cheer as 2011 draws to a close.
Key Bearers provides up to 14,000 copies of the Pentecostal Evangel every week to more than 500 correctional institutions across the United States. As a result, inmates dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ while many more are strengthened and discipled in their walk with the Lord.
Every dollar donated to Key Bearers prints and mails four copies of the Evangel or the quarterly Spanish-language Evangelio Pentecostal. A single Evangel is typically read by at least five prisoners. To find out more information about Key Bearers and how to donate,click here. Contributions can also be made by calling 1-877-840-4800 and specifying project 028001- 0085928.
Those providing a gift to Key Bearers may receive a free one-year Pentecostal Evangelprint subscription or a copy of Theology in a Nutshell by Evangel Editor Ken Horn. If giving online, just write what item you would like in the comments box on the donation page. When calling, please tell the representative your choice.
Topics: Pentecostal Evangel, Evangelio Pentecostal, prison ministry, Christmas, Key Bearers, Uncategorized | Comments Off
Reactions From the Staff
By Ken Horn | December 1, 2011
Our advertising coordinator, Jodi Harmon, posted this on Facebook:
This Tuesday I was looking through the latest coupons sent in from people requesting a “Following Christ” booklet because they had recently accepted Christ. One coupon was from the April 29, 2001, issue. For more than 10 years that one magazine was waiting to get into the hands of just the right person who needed to read it. Since we began adding the coupon and offering this booklet in 1997, we have received more than 26,000 coupons. Each week in staff meeting we take time to pray for the people who have sent in salvation coupons from the previous week.
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Peanut Poison
By Scott Harrup | December 1, 2011
A researcher is helping one family overcome a daughter’s critical food allergy. But the family is really a big part of the story. Read more at Out There.
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It’s a Wrap
By Scott Harrup | November 23, 2011
The final issue of the Pentecostal Evangel for 2011 is printed. More at Out There.
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Give The Gift That Truly Keeps On Giving
By Ron Kopczick | November 17, 2011
Have you considered providing Pentecostal Evangel gift subscriptions to family members and friends this Christmas? Not only are Evangel subscriptions extremely affordable, especially at Christmas, the magazine arrives every week throughout the year, providing inspiration and spiritual guidance.
What other Christmas present can do that? And you can even get one for yourself!
A one-year Evangel Christmas gift subscription is only $23.19 to any address within the United States. That’s a 20 percent savings off the regular domestic rate of $28.99. And a one- year subscription for a reader residing outside the just $41.60. All special Christmas pricing is good through Dec. 22, 2011.
Every Christmas gift purchase includes a complimentary book selection — Family: How to Have a Healthy Christian Home; Q&A: Conversations With 50 Inspiring People; Questions and Answers About the Holy Spirit; The Write Way: A Believer’s Guide to Effective Communication; or Theology in a Nutshell. The book may be sent to either the subscription’s sponsor or recipient.
Orders for Christmas gift subscriptions can be placed online by clicking here. Gift subscriptions may also be requested by calling Gospel Publishing House Customer Relations at 1-800-641- 4310, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (CST). GPH will be closed however on Nov. 24 and 25 due to Thanksgiving. Customers outside the United States should dial 011-1-417- 831-8000.
Christmas pricing cannot be applied retroactively to a current subscription.
Topics: Gospel Publishing House, Pentecostal Evangel, Christmas, subscription,Uncategorized | Comments Off
Thanksgiving, Act I
By Scott Harrup | November 11, 2011
Veterans Day is a wonderful observance leading up to Thanksgiving. Read more at Out There.
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Share Christmas With the Incarcerated This Year
By Ron Kopczick | November 10, 2011
As you begin, or continue, your Christmas shopping in the weeks to come, would you consider sharing the spirit of the holiday with those often forgotten this time of year — the incarcerated?
Through the
Key Bearers ministry you can extend the love of the Savior for an entire year to men and women serving time. Key Bearers faithfully provides at least 11,000 copies of the Pentecostal Evangel every week to more than 500 correctional institutions across the United States.
During the 16-year history of Key Bearers, nearly 9.64 million copies of the Evangel have been underwritten by more than $2.17 million from those who care about the spiritual needs of the less fortunate. As a result, thousands of inmates have dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ, while countless others have been strengthened and discipled in their faith.
Every dollar donated to Key Bearers will print and mail four copies of the Evangel or the quarterly Spanish-language Evangelio Pentecostal. A single Evangel is typically read by at least five prisoners.
Christmas is a great time to join a ministry that extends “good tidings of great joy.” To become a Key Bearer, visit You will find more information about Key Bearers and the option to donate by clicking on “fill out the form.” Contributions can also be made by calling 1-877-840-4800 and mentioning project 028001-0085928.
Those providing a Christmas gift to Key Bearers may receive a free one-year Pentecostal Evangel print subscription or a complimentary copy of Theology in a Nutshell by EvangelEditor Ken Horn. If giving online, just write what gift you would like in the comments box on the donation page. When calling, please tell the representative your choice.
Topics: Pentecostal Evangel, Evangelio Pentecostal, prison ministry, Christmas, Key Bearers, Uncategorized | Comments Off
How Any Church Can Have Revival
By Ken Horn | November 9, 2011
Read this message printed 58 years ago in the Pentecostal Evangel. It is remarkably applicable to today. Click here to read.
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Honor Those Who’ve Served the United States of America
By Ron Kopczick | November 4, 2011
Next Friday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day. You can express your appreciation to a past or present member of the United States military with a gift subscription to the Pentecostal Evangel
. A weekly Evangel subscription can offer encouragement and spiritual guidance to someone who may currently be in harm’s way or has experienced the trauma of combat.
American service personnel and veterans are eligible for anEvangel subscription that costs only $14.99 annually (52 issues), or $28 for two years (104 issues), mailed to any U.S. address. Military subscriptions can be purchased as either a gift or for oneself.
In addition to specifying subscription code LM, the recipient’s current or former service branch (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy) is required when an order for a military subscription is placed with Gospel Publishing House at 1-800-641-4310. A printable order form is available on the Evangel website.
The special military pricing is only good on new or renewable orders, as the discount cannot be applied retroactively to any current subscription. Ordering a military subscription for Veterans Day not only commemorates one’s service to the United States, but also makes a great gift in time for Christmas.
Topics: Gospel Publishing House, Veteran's Day, Pentecostal Evangel, subscription,military, Uncategorized | Comments Off
Wells Meets Welles
By Scott Harrup | November 3, 2011
As improbable as it seems, the author of The War of the Worlds and the book’s most famous mass media adaptor met for a 1940 radio interview. Read more at Out There.
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1 in 7 Billion
By Scott Harrup | October 31, 2011
Some thoughts from Person 3.317 Billion about the arrival of Person 7 Billion. Read more at Out There.
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Evangel Christmas Gift Subscriptions Available Via Website
By Ron Kopczick | October 27, 2011
Thanksgiving is four weeks from today, and many people use the holiday weekend to begin their Christmas shopping. Perhaps you are planning to camp outside your favorite discount or electronic store to get that special gift when the doors open in the wee hours of Black Friday morning.
Here’s an eas
y alternative with great savings. Consider giving Christmas gift subscriptions to thePentecostal Evangel. Not only are Evangel gift subscriptions extremely affordable, the magazine arrives every week throughout the year, providing inspiration and spiritual guidance. What other Christmas present can do that? And you can even get one for yourself.
A one-year Evangel Christmas gift subscription is only $23.19 to any address within the United States. That’s a 20 percent savings off the regular domestic rate of $28.99. And a one-year subscription for a reader residing outside the U.S. is just $41.60. All special Christmas pricing is good through Dec. 22, 2011.
Every Christmas gift purchase includes a complimentary book selection — Family: How to Have a Healthy Christian Home; Q&A: Conversations With 50 Inspiring People; Questions and Answers About the Holy Spirit; The Write Way: A Believer’s Guide to Effective Communication; or Theology in a Nutshell. The book may be sent to either the subscription sponsor or recipient.
Orders for Christmas gift subscriptions can be placed online by clicking here. Gift subscriptions may also be requested by calling Gospel Publishing House Customer Relations at 1-800-641-4310, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (Central Time). Customers outside the United States should dial 011-1-417-831-8000. Christmas pricing cannot be applied retroactively to a current subscription.
Topics: Gospel Publishing House, Pentecostal Evangel, Christmas, subscription,Uncategorized | Comments Off
Goodbye Mr. Washington?
By Scott Harrup | October 25, 2011
Are we really ready to give up the $1 bill? More at Out There.
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Extra Copies of Oct. 30 Kids Edition Disappearing
By Ron Kopczick | October 21, 2011
Barely one-third of the Oct. 30 Pentecostal Evangel Kids Edition overprint remains as churches and individuals have ordered nearly 20,000 bulk copies to share with the children in their congregations, neighborhoods, and communities. The issue’s press run was increased by nearly 20 percent in anticipation of a high demand.
With the publication date just days away and inventory dwindling, those still planning bulk purchases of the Kids Edition are encouraged to place their orders as quickly as possible. The Spanish Kids Edition, published as the fall issue of Evangelio Pentecostal, is off the press and will be available next week for bulk purchases.
Readers of the latest Kids Edition will journey through the life of Jesus and learn about His earthly ministry, teaching, death on the cross, resurrection and promised return. There are numerous places and ways to use the Kids Edition as an outreach and evangelism tool during autumn and the months that follow:
- Children’s services or special events
- Parades, fairs or festivals
- Local newspapers as a supplement
- Handouts to trick-or-treaters
- Free literature racks at businesses
- Door-to-door distribution
- Welcome packets or follow-up mailings to visitors
A purchase of at least 50 copies of the Kids Edition is only 25 cents per magazine. And as supplies last, bulk orders of 400 or more copies are eligible for free customized imprinting on the back of every issue. The single copy price is 75 cents, which decreases to 50 cents per magazine for requests of 2 to 49 copies.
Bulk orders of the English (#69-7144) and Spanish Kids editions (#69-7155) can be placed by calling Gospel Publishing House at 1-800-641-4310 within the United States or011-01-417-831-8000 from anywhere else in the world.
Available at is a printable order form with additional information. The document is accessed by clicking the Special Editions banner ad featuring the Kids Edition on the right side of the Evangel’s home page.
Topics: Gospel Publishing House, Evangelio Pentecostal, Pentecostal Evangel, Spanish,evangelism, children, Uncategorized | Comments Off
Blackbelt Jiminy
By Scott Harrup | October 21, 2011
Who knew crickets were the gladiators of China? Read more at Out There.
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Tiny Invader
By Scott Harrup | October 18, 2011
Rodents of the soul need more than a glue trap. Read more at Out There.
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Memories of John Bueno’s Ministry
By Ken Horn | October 18, 2011
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Free Bundle Subscriptions Available for Winter Quarter
By Ron Kopczick | October 14, 2011
There is still time to take advantage of the Pentecostal Evangel “Test Drive” program that provides any church with a free bundle subscription or increase for the upcoming 13-week winter quarter, which begins with the Dec. 4 World Missions Edition and concludes with the Feb. 26 issue that highlights National Women’s Day in the Assemblies of God.
The “Test Drive” offers up to 25 complimentary copies per week at no financial risk to a congregation, since there isn’t an obligation to continue the trial subscriptio
n or bundle increase for the spring quarter. A church may cancel the subscription or adjust the bundle quantity by indicating its intention on the spring renewal notice received from Gospel Publishing House.
With churches usually experiencing an increase of visitors during the Christmas season, having extra copies of the Evangel will assist in sharing the gospel message. Among the featured issues during the winter quarter are two Christmas-themed editions (Dec. 18 and 25), Sanctity of Life (Jan. 22), and the 17th annual Super Bowl Outreach Edition (Jan. 29).
For more information on a free trial bundle subscription or increase during the winter quarter, visit click the Customer Service link. From there go to Special Offers and select Free Trial Subscription. An order for a complimentary bundle subscription or increase can be made electronically. Just choose the “Submit your request online” option.
There is also a form that may be printed, filled out, and faxed to the Evangel at 417-862-0416. More information or assistance is available by calling 417-862-2781, ext. 4107. The deadline to take advantage of the “Test Drive” for the winter quarter is Oct. 31.
Topics: Pentecostal Evangel, Assemblies of God, Gospel Publishing House, Christmas,church, World Missions Edition, Super Bowl, Uncategorized | Comments Off
Hurting to Heal
By Scott Harrup | October 7, 2011
A fork in the hand, a tetanus shot, and a few thoughts on spiritual renewal. Read more at Out There.
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Churches Ordering Bulk Copies of Fall Kids Edition
By Ron Kopczick | October 5, 2011
Churches and ministries still planning bulk purchases of the Kids Edition are encouraged to place their orders as soon as possible while copies and time remain. Advance requests, meanwhile, are being accepted for the Spanish Kids Edition which will be published as the fall issue of Evangelio Pentecostal. It will be available in approximately two weeks.
Readers of the issue will journey through the life of Jesus and learn about His earthly ministry, teaching, death on the cross, resurrection and promised return. There are numerous places and ways to use the Kids Edition as an outreach and evangelism tool during autumn and the months that follow:
- Children’s services or special events
- Parades, fairs or festivals
- Local newspapers as a supplement
- Handouts to trick-or-treaters
- Free literature racks at businesses
- Door-to-door distribution
- Welcome packets or follow-up mailings to visitors
A purchase of at least 50 copies of the Kids Edition is only 25 cents per magazine. And as supplies last, bulk orders of 400 or more copies are eligible for free customized imprinting on the back of every issue. The single copy price is 75 cents, which decreases to 50 cents per magazine for requests of 2 to 49 copies.
Bulk orders of the English (#69-7144) and Spanish Kids Editions (#69-7155) can be placed by calling Gospel Publishing House at 1-800-641-4310 within the United States or011-01-417-831-8000 from anywhere else in the world. Phone orders are accepted from 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (CDT), Monday through Friday.
Available at is a printable order form with additional information. The document is accessed by clicking the Special Editions banner ad featuring the Kids Edition on the right side of the Evangel’s home page.
Topics: Gospel Publishing House, Evangelio Pentecostal, Pentecostal Evangel, Spanish,evangelism, children, Uncategorized | Comments Off
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