DIVINE REVELATIONS: Dedicated to Face to Face encounters & visitations with Jesus Christ. Summary: Be ready for the Lord's soon return, be pure & obedient to God. For many Christian are still not ready. Woe to the unbelieving, disobedient & unrepentant. |
The Kingdoms of Heaven & Hell, and the Return of CHRIST by Angelica Zambrano (aka.23 Horas Muerta) For a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ. She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures children to satan. She witnessed many of our esteemed cultural icons suffering in the Pit; along with singers, entertainers, and even a pope. Angelica was also shown how the Kingdom of Heaven is all wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place, where no evil exists. Though Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many of God's children will NOT be ready on that day, and will be left behind in a world that will fall apart. |
In these pages, is the most strategic revelation that I’ve ever seen. It will send shockwaves around the world, and lead to the fall of many demonic principalities. The devil’s identities are being exposed and the Lord is equipping His end-time army with many new powerful weapons. The demonic realm is leading billions into hell, and they hinder every aspect of the Church; evangelism, missions, intercession, worship, charity, etc. According the Jesus’ parable, the enemy plants his seeds at night, while everyone is sleeping. To fight this, we see that Nighttime Unified Warfare Intercession (NUWI) is crucial for engaging in demonic combat. Truly the gift of spiritual site is very devastating to the enemy; crippling his ability to hide; exposing his identities, tricks, deceptions, disguises and positions. This revelation will help the Church transition from a defensive posture, to an offensive one. |
An incredible Testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell. Bill was placed in Hell, not as a casual observer, but as someone who was not saved. He recounts all the horrid details with such precision that it captivates the listener from start to finish. If you haven't heard this testimonies, stop everything and hear them. They will permanently altered your outlook on life. Bill's testimony will wake up the Lukewarm, convict the Backslidden, warn the wicked, motivate the timid to share, & put the fear of God into all that hear. |
Do you believe heaven really exists? Choo Thomas tells a remarkable story of her encounters with Jesus Christ, where she visited heaven many times and saw hell twice. Her book, "Heaven is so Real" is more than just a book- it is Christ's loving message to a generation that has largely forgotten, misunderstood or is indifferent about Him. This book will touch your heart & soul & will challenge you to live a life of obedience and purity like you have never done before. She was also shown many visions about the Rapture and Tribulation. |
Volunteers Needed Reach 1000s of people by uploading Videos to several Video Sites Translators Needed for many languages!!! Mobile: WAP.DivineRevelations.info If you need prayer. Report Problems/Suggestion to our web technician Resume Broken/Unfinished Downloads without restarting. Download all these Testimonies in 1 File (ZIP) Get FREE CDs or Burn your own CDs |
End-Times Revelations
NDE/OBE: Near Death Experiences
Testimonies, Teaching & Resources
Pray Hard, Keep Watch, Stand Firm; Love God, Praise Jesus, Live Crucified;
Serve Others, Share Christ, Show Grace; Be Humble, Bear Fruit, Obey Christ;
Fear God, Fight darkness, Shun evil, Stay Pure; Be Ready, Finish Strong & Overcome.
Souls, Souls, Souls for Jesus!
DIVINE REVELATIONS: Dedicated to Face to Face encounters & visitations with Jesus Christ. Summary: Be ready for the Lord's soon return, be pure & obedient to God. For many Christian are still not ready. Woe to the unbelieving, disobedient & unrepentant. |
A Great Collection of MP3 Sermons [SermonIndex.net] | | PDFs: Dream Journal [PDF] | |
Keith Daniel-The Salt of the Earth MP3 56mb WMA 24mb | | Prayer Journal [PDF] | |
Great testimony of the Slain in the Spirit phenomenon? MP3 8mb | | Bible Tabs | |
Fear No Man Verse of the Day Dan Lirette WMA Free Gospel Tracts [Are Tithes and Offerings Optional?] [Dedicated Pages: Heaven, Hell, Rapture, NDE] | | Witnessing Bible Tabs for Evangelism [PDF] | |
Who will Miss the Rapture |
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