- How can we know there’s a God? Answer
- A skeptic asks: Why should any one have to accept ancient hearsay as evidence for the existence of a god? Answer
- If God made everything, who made God? Answer
- What if the cosmos is all that there is? Answer
What does God say?… Interview With God (5-min. multimedia presentation) |
- What is the Trinity? Answer
- How can one God be three persons? Answer
- SON OF MAN - If Jesus was the Son of God, why did He call Himself the Son of Man? Answer
Holy Spirit
- How is wind like the Holy Spirit? Answer (answer for young people)
- Nature of the Holy Spirit
- Inspiration of Scripture
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Blasphemy against Holy Spirit
- Intercession of the Spirit
- Witness of the Spirit
- Regeneration
- Sanctification
- Trinity
Jesus Christ - Learn more about Him
- Is Jesus Christ God? Answer
For seekers, for those who know Him, and for the skeptical. Was the life of Jesus Christ a cruel hoax, or the greatest event in history?
- Is Jesus Christ’s character consistent with His high claims? Answer
Jesus makes some staggering claims about who he is. Did his character back up who he said he was?
- Does the New Testament provide a reliable history of Christ’s life? Answer
A look at the archaeological evidence, internal marks of historical integrity, and accuracy of translation of the text of the New Testament.
- Did Jesus really sweat drops of blood? Answer
Is it physically possible to sweat drops of blood as the New Testament claims? What is the medical evidence for this?
- Isn’t the virgin birth of Jesus Christ mythological and scientifically impossible? Answer
- Could Christ have sinned? Answer
- What messianic prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ? Answer
- Is THE DA VINCI CODE “the most serious assault against Christianity”? Answer
- Did Jesus go to India as a child and learn from Hindu Gurus? Answer
- What about the PBS television series - FRONTLINE: From Jesus to Christ, the First Christians? Answer
The attractively-packaged PBS video airing seems to be an appealing introduction to early Christianity and Christ. But what does it really stand for?
- Are “The Jesus Seminar” criticisms of the gospels and Jesus Christ valid? Answer
What is the Jesus Seminar and what does it stand for?
- Who does the Jesus Seminar really speak for? Answer
- Does God feel our pain? Answer
- Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
The “problem of pain” is an issue nearly as old as humanity itself. Millions worldwide cannot understand why a loving God would allow suffering in this world. This insightful answer may provide some understanding.
God has provide wonderful hope for mankind. View our popular on-line movie which provides a beautiful overview of the Bible and God’s message of salvation. WATCH IT NOW. Highly-recommended, entertaining and educational!
- HELL - How can a God of LOVE send anybody to Hell? Answer
- A skeptic says: “I am perfectly content as a non-Christian. I do not believe in an afterlife and would never consider a religion so restrictive and exclusive as Christianity anyway.” Response
Is God biased? Is it fair to save only some? Answer
If it is true that many people on this planet will end up spiritually lost? How can we realistically consider God fair? What about those who have never heard the gospel?
- Aren’t all religions basically the same? Answer
- Does Christianity need to develop a NEW gospel adapted to today’s world? Answer
- Is the Bible truth or tabloid? Answer
- BIBLE ACCURACY - How do we know the Bible is true? Answer
The popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes is often agreed upon by Christians as well as non-Christians. Learn some of the facts and reasons why this is not the case.
- BIBLE ACCURACY - When we say that the Bible is the Word of God, does that imply that it is completely accurate, or does it contain insignificant inaccuracies in details of history and science? Answer
- INFALLIBILITY - How can the Bible be infallible if it is written by fallible humans? Answer
INTERNAL HARMONY - A skeptic questions whether the Bible’s internal harmony is evidence of its Divine inspiration - He suggests that the existence of the James Bond film series disproves that argument. See our response
- MIRACLES? Is it logical to believe that the biblical miracles really happened? Answer
Bible “Contradictions” & Puzzles
- CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BIBLE? If the Bible is the Word of God, how can you explain the contradictions of the Bible? Answer
- GOD’S PROTECTION - What about the Psalm 91 promises? Answer
“…no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent…”
- GOD’S EXISTENCE - If I can’t see God, how can I know he really exists? Answer
- GOD’S ORIGIN - Who created God? If he made everything, who made him? Answer
Is the mustard seed “the smallest of seeds”? (If not, is the Bible wrong?)
- When did the Luke 2 census occur? Answer
How can the Bible be correct when claiming that a census decreed by Rome’s Caesar Augustus occurred at the time of Jesus' birth?
- What was the STAR OF BETHLEHEM? Answer
How many sons did Jesse (father of King David) have? (solving a supposed Bible contradiction)
- CAIN - Where did Adam’s son get his wife? Answer
If all human beings are descendents of Adam and Eve, then whom did Cain marry?
- GARDEN OF EDEN - If this was a real place, why hasn’t anyone found it? Answer
Many Christians naively assume that the Garden of Eden was located near the modern Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Is this true?
- NOAH’S FLOOD - Doesn’t the story of Noah’s flood contradict scientific knowledge and common sense? Answers menu
Read answers about the source of the animals, size of the ark, depth and source of the water, and much more.
- CREATION STORY - Are there contradictions between the 1st and 2nd chapters of Genesis? What about other problems in Genesis? Answer
- EVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE - Haven’t scientific discoveries disproven Genesis and other parts of the Bible? Answers menu
We have lots of information on this subject, including fossils, ape-men, age of the earth, evolution of species, astronomy, and more.
- DINOSAURS - Doesn’t their discovery disprove the Genesis account of origins and the Bible’s timescale? Answers menu
- DINOSAURS IN THE BIBLE - Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Answer
- JONAH AND THE “WHALE” - How could Jonah survive three days and three nights in the belly of a whale? Answer
Skeptics point to the story of Jonah and the Whale as clearly an impossibility and discredit the Bible based partially on this incident. Is it possible that Jonah really could have survived in the belly of a great fish for three days?
- BIGAMY - If bigamy is sinful, why did King Solomon have so many wives? Answer
King Solomon, credited by many as the wisest man in the Bible, was not so wise about some of his actions. Was polygamy okayed by God for his case, or was he going against God’s laws?
- SUFFERING - Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
- BELLY BUTTONS - Did Adam have a navel? Answer
We’ve often been asked this question about navels. Here’s the answer.
- ANGELS AND WOMEN - Did angels have sexual intercourse with human women in Genesis 6? Answer
Or were the “sons of man” (nephilim) aliens, as some have suggested?
- SWEATING BLOOD - Did Jesus really perspire drops of blood? Answer
- MIRACLES - “Miracles are not possible,” some claim. Is this true? Answer
Skeptics in today’s technologically advanced world scoff at the idea of miracles. Are they real?
- CHRIST’S MIRACLES - Has science disproved the miracles associated with Jesus Christ? Answer
The creation of the universe, water into wine, the blind and lame healed, walking on the water… Has science disproved these supernatural occurances?
- CHRIST’S RESURRECTION - “The Bible’s accounts of Christ’s resurrection are full of contradictions,” some claim. Is this true? Answer
- What is “the unpardonable sin?” How does sin become “unforgivable?” Answer
- How do I witness to my peers when they seem to have knowledgeable answers against all of my beliefs? Answer
- Why should Christians go to church? Answer
Is there a Biblical mandate that all Christians be involved in a local body of believers if possible? Can a Christian survive apart from a church?
- The Sabbath—Since the Old Testament commanded people to observe the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week, why have most Christian churches switched their day of worship to Sunday, the first day of the week? Answer
- Hypocrisy in the Church—Why would I want to be a Christian when there are so many hypocrites? Answer
- If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and loving, would He really create a world like this? (filled with oppression, suffering, death and cruelty) Answer
- Doesn’t the world’s condition prove there’s no God? Answer
- Fall of man to sin
- Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
- If God knows I am HURTING, why doesn’t He help me? Answer
- Does God feel our pain? Answer
- I’M UGLY. Why was God so unfair to me this way? Answer
- Where did cancer come from? Answer
- How did bad things come about? Answer
- THE POOR - What does the Bible say about them? Answer
- Does God control the weather? Does He send deadly storms? Answer
- What is the Christian perspective on war? Answer
- Is it better for deformed or handicapped children never to be born? Answer
- Why should we pray and act for the suffering church? Answer
- How to share with those who are hurting - Helpful tips
- What about the Psalm 91 promises? Answer
“…no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent…”
- Goodness of God
- Are you thankful to God? Answer
- Discover the HOPE for all mankind
- Physical healing - Is it guaranteed in Christ’s atonement? Answer
“…with his stripes we are healed.”
- What about the Psalm 91 promises? Answer
“…no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent…”
- BIBLE’S AUTHORITY - Is the Bible truly the final authority in all matters of faith and morals? Answer
What does the Bible say about sola Scriptura?
- SOLA SCRIPTURA - Is it biblical or a man-made concept? (Traditions vs. Scripture alone) Answer
This is a question that lies at the heart of the debate between Roman Catholics and Protestants.
- BIBLE’S AUTHORITY - What did the Early Church believe about sola Scriptura? Answer
- What’s so new about the New Testament? Answer
We all know that there is an OLD Testament, and a NEW Testament in the Holy Bible. But why the separation? What is the NEW Testament for?
- Does the Bible really support gender-inclusive language? Answer
Various Bibles have been published with such changes. Why do some Christians today support rewording of the Bible to add gender-inclusive or gender-neutral language?
- THE NEW TOLERANCE for all beliefs - It’s politically correct, but does it hold danger for followers of Christ? Is love the same thing as tolerance? Answer
Christian Holidays
Learn much more about Christ’s death and resurrection, including questions and answers for skeptics, kids' activities, and valuable resources.
- Are there biblical examples of depression and how to deal with it? Answer
- What should a Christian do if overwhelmed with depression? Answer
Is it right to use antidepressant drugs? Or should a Christian’s faith be enough to solve depression problems?
- Does God feel our pain? Answer
- Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
- Does the Bible share any wisdom about investing? Answer
Millions of people are investing in the stock market, mutual funds, bonds, etc. Learn how to be a wise investor by following King Solomon’s advice.
- How can I spend my money more wisely? Answer
- Should a Christian have or use credit cards? Answer
Christ’s Resurrection
- How do we know Christ really rose from the dead? Answer
- Some say that Christ’s resurrection was a myth, not history. Is this possible? Answer
Four reasons why the mythological interpretation of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ falls short of truth.
- “The Bible’s accounts of Christ’s resurrection are full of contradictions,” some claim. Is this true? Answer
- “Miracles are not possible,” some claim. Is this true? Answer
Skeptics in today’s technologically advanced world scoff at the idea of miracles. Are they real?
- Has science disproved the miracles associated with Jesus Christ? Answer
The creation of the universe, water into wine, the blind and lame healed, walking on the water… Has science disproved these supernatural occurances?
- Was Christ’s body stolen from His tomb? Answer
Since the day the empty tomb was discovered, skeptics argue that someone stole the body of Jesus. What evidence is there that it was not stolen?
- Is it possible that Jesus did not die, but only fainted on the cross, later recovering from His wounds? Answer
The crucifixion of Christ - is it possible that this heinous act merely caused him to lose consciousness, but not his life?
- Some claim that witnesses to Christ’s resurrection were just “seeing things” or hallucinating, is this possible? Answer
Some claim that those present at events surrounding the resurrection were mistakenly identifying someone as Christ. Is this claim true?
- What about the death and resurrection of Christ was important and vital to Christianity? Answer
The Christian celebration of Christ’s resurrection deals with many important facets of Christianity and Jesus' divine nature. Do you know what they are?
- What does Islam teach about the crucifixion of Jesus? Answer
- What is crucifixion? Answer
- What do the letters “INRI” on the crucifix mean? Answer
The significance of “INRI” - symbols appearing above the head of Jesus on the cross - has long eluded Christians. What does it mean?
Stories of the Bible & misc.
God’s Story: From Creation to Eternity - A new multimedia journey through the Bible, a summary of the most important stories, in chronological order. Hear and read God’s story! |
Learn the amazing facts! This new answer is in our children’s section, but it’s written on a level that adults will enjoy.
- NOAH’S ARK AND THE FLOOD—Questions and Answers Answers
Does the Bible claim that the Flood of Noah covered the entire Earth? Did Noah need oxygen above the mountains? Could Noah’s Ark really hold all the animals preserved in the flood? Just how big was Noah’s Ark? How did various animals get from the Ark to isolated places, such as Australia? Where did the water come from? What connection is there between Genesis and the ancient Near Eastern stories of Creation and the Flood? Where are all the human fossils? How could all the human races come from Noah, his three sons and their wives? …and more.
Did the high priest really enter the Holy of Holies with a ROPE tied around his ankle? Discover the evidence about this popular, but erroneous story.
- Why teach the Bible chronologically? What resources do you recommend? Answer
- Questions for the Not-Yet-a-Believer to consider…Answer
- Bible stories for kids
- Is heaven located in the northern sky? Answer
- Are you good enough to go to Heaven? Answer
Many people think they have lived a relatively good life. They haven’t killed anybody, stolen anything significant, or intentionally hurt people. But are good works alone enough to get you into heaven?
Hell, Hades and Judgment
- Is there an actual place called “Hell”? Answer
- Why was Hell made? Answer
- Is there anyone in Hell today? Answer
- Will there literally be a burning fire in Hell? Answer
- What should you be willing to do to stay out of Hell? Answer
- How can a God of love send anybody to Hell? Answer
- What if I don’t believe in Hell? Answer
- What is “the unpardonable sin?” How does sin become “unforgivable?” Answer
- What does the Bible teach us about angels? Answer
Are all angels good? What do they look like? Do angels have bodies? Learn the Biblical teachings on these and many other questions about angels.
- Who or what are angels? Answer
- How did angels originate? Answer
- How many angels are there? Answer
- Do angels have bodies? Answer
- What do angels look like? Answer
- Do people become angels after death? Answer
- How do angels compare to human beings? Answer
- Are all angels good? Answer
- What is the job description for an angel? Answer
- ANGELS AND WOMEN - Did angels have sexual intercourse with human women in Genesis 6? Answer
Or were the “sons of man” (nephilim) aliens, as some have suggested?
- SATAN - Is he a real person that influences our world today? Is he affecting you? Answer
- DEMON POSSESSION AND INFLUENCE - Can Christians be demon possessed? Answer
In what ways can Satan and his demons influence believers?
What messianic prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ? Answer
- Prophecy and the Bible
- Prophets
- Did Nostradamus predict the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York (Sept. 11, 2001)? Answer
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