The history of Israel begins with the stories of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) from whom, the 12 tribes of Israel descended. Prior to this time, in the OT, are the series of creation and origination traditions. Israel (iz'rēul, iz'rāul) [as understood by Hebrews,=he strives with God], according to the book of Genesis, name given to as eponymous ancestor of the Hebrews, the chosen people of God. In the story, Jacob finds himself struggling with a being who, by the end of the narrative, is sometimes taken to be revealed as God. Genesis 32:24-32. |
12 Keys to understand Israel |
God has much to say about His Covenant people and His Land, Israel. The Land of Israel is the only place on earth that God says He himself owns in terms of property ownership that can be transferred. Read More. . . |
14 Facts about Israel |
Being the Chosen People means being connected to a Chosen Land. God gave us the Land which is strategically located in the center of the world. Read More. . . |
Brief History of Israel |
The history of Israel begins with the stories of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) from whom, the 12 tribes of Israel descended. Prior to this time, in the OT, are the series of creation and origination traditions. These provide genealogies from Adam to Abraham. Read More. . . |
Why is Isreal important to Bible Prophecy? |
Israel is important, however, because God made promises to Israel that will be fulfilled. One of the Bible's greatest predictions about Israel has already come to pass. What makes Israel important to end-time prophecy are the many Scriptures that indicate that Israel will be the main setting for key tribulation events. Read More. . . |
Restoration of Israel in NT |
It is certainly the case that the literal restoration of the kingdom to Israel does not appear in the New Testament in anything like the detail in which it appears in the Old. However, it is not true to say that it does not appear at all; there are words in the New Testament which can only have reference to the restored kingdom of Israel. Read More. . . |
Defining Jewishness |
I am sure that there will be many, especially among my Jewish readers, who will think that I have a lot of 'chutzpah', trying to define Jewishness. This skepticism is justified, given my own ignorance and the long and profound history of the Jewish people. I must, nevertheless, seek to present a Biblical definition of 'Jewishness', before I can proceed to explain what the Bible says about the future of Israel and the Jews. Read More. . . |
The Jews Gods Witnesses |
The Jews, the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, have a special place in the purpose of God with mankind. They were recipients of, and custodians of, God's written revelation. Through them God raised up His Son, their Messiah. In their deliverance from Egypt and their subsequent history they have become witnesses to the truth of God's promises to them, and thus witnesses to His existence. Read More. . . |
The Indestructible Jew |
The Jew is often referred to as "the man without a country." From another viewpoint, the Jew is the only man on earth who has a country promised to him by the original Creator of all things-a country on this earth for ever. Read More. . . |
More to Come. . . |
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