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Thursday 3 November 2011

Kings in the Bible


The word “king” is in Scripture very generally used to denote one invested with authority, whether extensive or limited. There were thirty-one kings in Canaan (Josh. 12:9, 24), whom Joshua subdued. Adonibezek subdued seventy kings (Judg. 1:7).
In the New Testament the Roman emperor is spoken of as a king (1 Pet. 2:13, 17); and Herod Antipas, who was only a tetrarch, is also called a king (Matt. 14:9; Mark 6:22).
This title is applied to God (1 Tim. 1:17), and to Christ, the Son of God (1 Tim. 6:15-16; Matt. 27:11). The people of God are also called “kings” (Dan. 7:22, 27; Matt. 19:28; Rev. 1:6, etc.). Death is called the “king of terrors” (Job 18:14).
Jehovah was the sole King of the Jewish nation (1 Sam. 8:7; Isa. 33:22). But there came a time in the history of that people when a king was demanded, that they might be like other nations (1 Sam. 8:5). The prophet Samuel remonstrated with them, but the people cried out, “Nay, but we will have a king over us.” The misconduct of Samuel's sons was the immediate cause of this demand.
The Hebrew kings did not rule in their own right, nor in name of the people who had chosen them, but partly as servants and partly as representatives of Jehovah, the true King of Israel (1 Sam. 10:1).
The limits of the king's power were prescribed (1 Sam. 10:25).
The officers of his court were:
  1. the recorder or remembrancer (2 Sam. 8:16; 1 Kings 4:3)
  2. the scribe (2 Sam. 8:17; 20:25
  3. the officer over the house, the chief steward (Isa. 22:15
  4. the “king's friend,” a confidential companion (1 Kings 4:5)
  5. the keeper of the wardrobe (2 Kings 22:14)
  6. captain of the bodyguard (2 Sam. 20:23)
  7. officers over the king's treasures, etc. (1 Chr. 27:25-31)
  8. commander-in-chief of the army (1 Chr. 27:34)
  9. the royal counsellor (1 Chr. 27:32; 2 Sam. 16:20-23).
Israel's kings (before its division)
  1. Saul
  2. David
  3. Solomon
Israel's kings (after division)
  1. Jeroboam
  2. Nadab
  3. Baasha
  4. Elah
  5. Zimri
  6. Tibni
  7. Omri
  8. Ahab
  9. Ahaziah
  10. Jehoram
  11. Jehu
  12. Jehoahaz
  13. Jehoash
  14. Jeroboam
  15. Zechariah
  16. Shallum
  17. Menahem
  18. Pekahiah
  19. Pekah
  20. Hoshea
Judah's kings
  1. Rehoboam
  2. Abijah
  3. Asa
  4. Jehoshaphat
  5. Jehoram
  6. Ahaziah
  7. Athaliah
  8. Joash
  9. Amaziah
  10. Uzziah
  11. Jotham
  12. Ahaz
  13. Hezekiah
  14. Manasseh
  15. Amon
  16. Josiah
  17. Jehoahaz
  18. Jehoiakim
  19. Jehoiachin
  20. Zedekiah
Kings in the Bible (alphabetical)
  1. Abijam
  2. Abimelech
  3. Achbor
  4. Achish
  5. Adoni-zedec
  6. Adonizedek
  7. Agag
  8. Agrippa I
  9. Ahab
  10. Ahasuerus
  11. Ahaz
  12. Ahaziah
  13. Alexander the Great
  14. Amaziah
  15. Amon
  16. Amraphel
  17. Aretas
  18. Arioch
  19. Artaxerxes
  20. Asa
  21. Asnapper
  22. Baal-hanan
  23. Baalis
  24. Baasha
  25. Bela
  26. Belshazzar
  27. Ben-hadad
  28. Berodach-baladan
  29. Birsha
  30. Chedorlaomer
  31. Chushan-rishathaim
  32. Cyrus
  33. Debir
  34. Eglon
  35. Elah
  36. Eliakim
  37. Eth-baal
  38. Evil-merodach
  39. David
  40. Hadad
  41. Hadadezer
  42. Hanun
  43. Herod Agrippa I
  44. Herod the Great
  45. Hezekiah
  46. Hiram
  47. Hoham
  48. Hoshea
  49. Hur
  50. Jabin
  51. Japhia
  52. Jechoniah (Jechonias)
  53. Jehoash
  54. Jehoiachin
  55. Jehoiakim
  56. Jehoram
  57. Jehoshaphat
  58. Jehu
  59. Jeroboam
  60. Joash
  61. Jobab
  62. Josiah
  63. Lemuel
  64. Melchizedek
  65. Menahem
  66. Mesha
  67. Nadab
  68. Nahash
  69. Nebuchadnezzar
  70. Necho II
  71. Nimrod
  72. Og
  73. Omri
  74. Oshea
  75. Osnapper
  76. Piram
  77. Pul
  78. Rehoboam
  79. Rezin
  80. Rezon
  81. Sargon
  82. Saul
  83. Sennacherib
  84. Shallum
  85. Shalman
  86. Shemeber
  87. Shinab
  88. Shishak I
  89. So
  90. Solomon
  91. Talmai
  92. Tiglath-Pileser III
  93. Tirhakah
  94. Toi
  95. Uzziah
  96. Xerxes
  97. Zachariah
  98. Zedekiah
  99. Zerah

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